Remember Who All This Was For

I use my planner constantly. I pretty much always have it with me, and given the choice, I would give up an arm before I would give up my planner. In the front of my planner I have this picture of my family (sorry Steven, you're not in this one 😬) with this quote below it, "Remember who all this was for..." -PT Barnum, The Greatest Showman

My family is my reason for everything I do. I work hard, study hard, pray hard, and play hard all for them. I have many goals in my life, and all of them come down to becoming a better person with a better life so I can be better for my family. My family is my favorite blessing. 

I've lived in 21 different houses/apartments, with who knows how many people, and no matter where I am or who I'm with, I am only one phone call away from feeling right back at home with my favorite people. In the middle of the chaos that the past ten years of my life have been, I have often missed family things that I wish I would have been there for (like Jennah's wedding or Steven's graduation), but it only takes one family get-together to make it feel like we haven't missed a beat. My parents and siblings are my best friends. I'm not sure many people can say that about their family, and fewer about their ENTIRE family. But for me, it is true. And for that, I thank my God every day.

With every job, assignment, degree, ward, calling, or anything else that I feel I won't be able to make it through, I am eternally grateful for my personal team of believers who have more faith in me than I have in myself. They continually point me toward God and toward goodness. 

I am also so grateful to my extended family. All my grandmas, grandpas, uncles, aunts, cousins, in-law adopted extended families, and once-or-twice-removed family who make up the majority of the population of Southeast Idaho ðŸ˜‚. God is so good, and constantly blessing me through those who help me in every circumstance. 

My family is my life, and they help me make it all about love. They help me remember who all this is really for. 



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