About Me

Hey! I'm Sara, a nursing student at Idaho State University. I was born in Utah, raised in Illinois (during dad's med school) and Pocatello, then we moved to Rexburg, Idaho just before my freshman year of high school. After I graduated high school I started my undergrad in Dance at Brigham Young University, went on a mission to Chile, ViƱa del Mar halfway through my junior year, and then graduated in 2017. After that, I moved back home to where most of my extended family is, Pocatello, instead of to LA or New York like I was planning. Let's be honest though, I'm secretly a homebody, so the small-town life is probably better for me anyways. I teach at the Alliance Academy of Dance, but still miss performing like crazy. I work at a medical clinic, and I'm doing my best to do my best. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and many of my thoughts on this blog reflect that. I have wonderful parents, siblings, and nieces and nephews that I am proud to call mine! Also, grandparents, and a TON of aunts, uncles, and cousins... if you live within a 100 mile radius, I'm sure you know at least one of them. I really enjoy being active and anything that gives me an excuse to be with my family and friends. 


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