In Case You're Already Bored Binge-Watching Disney Plus...

We are having a unique experience right now, that's for sure. Although our circumstances may be altered currently, I invite each of us to take time each day to find a way to give service. This is the perfect time to be a light to those around (or not around;)) us. In the middle of much change, this morning as I was unloading the dishwasher, I thought about how Christ's love NEVER changes. It never fades, nor withdraws. Christ’s love and light allows us each the opportunity to obtain a peace that “passeth all understanding” (Phillippians 4:7). 

I invite each of us to find opportunities during this remarkable time to ponder God’s love. Think about His Plan for His children. Set aside some quiet moments away from the binge-watching of Disney Plus, to find a “listening place”. In unique circumstances, the Spirit can communicate unique truths to us. 

I trust the Lord in His vision and compassion to bring salvation to all His children who will choose it. 

Here are a few things I thought I’d pass on as ideas during more downtime for most of us:

Every day:
- Study Scriptures (and pray)
Exercise (don’t get a “corona-bod")

Clean something
Help someone

Other good ideas:
- Go for walks outside
- Listen to Conference talks or good TEDx talks while you’re going about your day
- Make/sew/build/create something
- Learn a new skill #youtubetutorials
- Stay on-target with class requirements for those in school- the last few weeks might be a little crazy, so do some preparation
- Talk to family members
- Talk to old friends/mission companions/mission converts
- Write in your journal
- Do spring cleaning!

Also, I’m sure many of you have seen these messages, but I really love what our dear prophet and apostles are sharing with us right now. I've included the links/tabs at the bottom.


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