Save the World

Here I am, a brand-spanking new nursing student. There’s no real way to describe the significance of this milestone for me. It represents so much more than school, a degree, or even a job. It represents a cumulative sacrifice of many things I have wanted in my life. 

How grateful I am for my family and friends who overwhelm me with love and support. My life is filled with love. I feel a deep gratitude to God for His constant, patient guidance. As I choose Him more fully each day, I come to realize that He expects even more of me. And His expectations, or hopes, rather, are always full of mercy and promises. 

This professional pursuit will lead to a lifetime of service in my own community, home, and many humanitarian opportunities. 

Healing and health is about much more than needles and medicine and operations and hospitals and clinics and doctors, etc. At the core, it’s about love. Only love heals. There are many components to that healing, and it is incredible to see what we have developed through years of sacrifice and experimentation and study. But even beyond curing disease and repairing malfunctions, healing goes deeper than that. There are many people who aren’t necessarily “sick”, but neither are they “whole.” 

I have several Alex and Ani pieces—there are three that are especially significant to me in this context. I wear this “healing love” piece that my sister, Adri, gave me on days when I need to be reminded deeply of the love that heals (both for myself and others) @adrielleduffin. I wear my Rod of Asclepius, given me by my best friend, Jessica, as a reminder of what it symbolizes in the medical world - healing - as well as what the serpent on the staff truly symbolizes - Christ - the source of all healing @messicamae. And I wear this Wonder Woman cuff on days when I need to feel like a freaking boss that will work hard with compassion and vision to get the job done. (I wear all three on days when I think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t have a reminder; or for a special photo-op, obviously.) 

Nurses may not wear capes and carry shields, but I think nursing is pretty heroic. 🦸🏻‍♀️

I have had many sources of motivation for careers, relationships, jobs, classes, etc. up to this point. But this choice, I can say, is motivated only by love - my love of God, and my love of my fellow man. As Elder Jeffery R. Holland once said, “Although I may not be my brother’s keeper, I am my brother’s brother, and because I have been given much, I, too, must give.” ❤️

And to quote Wonder Woman, “Now I know, that only love can truly save the world... I give, for the world I know can be.” πŸ›‘πŸ’₯πŸ’«πŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒ

I believe that. And really, True Love has already come to save the world - all we have to do is accept Him and share his love. Ready or not, here we go. πŸ§‘πŸ–€πŸ§‘πŸ’‰πŸ’ŠπŸ§ͺπŸŒ‘πŸ¦ πŸ§«πŸ”¬πŸš‘πŸš¨πŸ₯ΌπŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸ”¬πŸ‘©πŸ»‍⚕️



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