Twenty-five, Still Alive

Everyone's thinking it, so let me just get the obvious over:

Just a few personal favorites;) 

Ok, can we be done with that part now? Good. Moving on.

25 is a great landmark, and I've been thinking about some of the things I've been able to accomplish and/or achieve up to now. I've been to three continents, learned a new language, graduated with a BFA from the best college in the world (Go Cougs!), I have four beautiful nieces and nephews, I've performed for and spoken to tons of communities and youth from all cultures, I've become a teacher and an artist, I've learned 8 chords on the Ukulele, and I can do my own laundry. I'd say that's a life to be proud of. 

I must say I've learned some things I'd rather not know, said some things I'd rather I hadn't said, and made some fashion choices I wish I would have listened to my sisters' advice about before wearing.

But as my gift to the earth, here are some of the things I have learned. And yes, many of them come from my favorite movies/books/talks. If you've ever doubted how much of a nerd I am, here's your chance to be proven wrong. Read it. Or don't. 

1. Elder Neal A. Maxwell said it best, "...God loves us and, loving us, has placed us here to cope with challenges which he will place before us. I’m not sure we can always understand the implications of his love, because his love will call us at times to do things we may wonder about, and we may be confronted with circumstances we would rather not face. I believe with all my heart that because God loves us there are some particularized challenges that he will deliver to each of us. He will customize the curriculum for each of us in order to teach us the things we most need to know. He will set before us in life what we need, not always what we like." But for a Small Moment - BYU Speeches

2. Everyone gets the chance to grow up--One of my favorite things my mom always says, and it's true. I'm not naturally a very patient person, but I've learned to see how people can be taught and can even change if they really want to. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone gets to grow up.

3. The need for kindness is ever increasing, as is the need for decency, respect, loyalty, and integrity.

4. Being classy never goes out of style.

5. There is a right and there is a wrong. You can choose to do whatever you'd like, but that doesn't make every choice right.

6. Work hard. Work is good, being dedicated is good, being honest and reliable is good.

7. Plan ahead, or at least have a plan. It's been said, rarely in a positive light, that I micromanage. Well, thank you; true as that is, I have also learned to change my plans and to have several back up plans when necessary so that I can change my plans without starting from scratch. I have a planner, I love it, I use it--would highly recommend. My bills are paid on time, I keep my commitments, and I know what's ahead of me. Get one. Get a plan, or a planner, or both.

8. Communicate for real, text sparingly. I remember when I was a teenager and I could carry on conversations throughout the entire day over text... gone are those days! My goodness, if you need to talk to someone, talk to them. Text messages are best for reminders, confirmations, questions when you're in a meeting (or you know your sister is putting the baby to sleep and you really gotta ask her something), or sending nice words to brighten someone's day. Make real friends, and have real conversations. 

9. Don't be lazy. And no, this isn't the same as "work is good." Laziness often accompanies apathy. Don't rely on either. Volunteer, reach out, be involved, be first in line, raise your hand, say "I can do it, I can help." I know lazy people who have jobs. I know lazy people who work hard at those jobs, but are always cutting corners. Don't do that. 

10. Smile and laugh. 

11. This one comes from my favorite movie in the entire world--I pull out the tissues, wipe my tears just thinking about it--Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. "Your life is an occasion, rise to it." Here's the thing, you can minimize or make the most out of anything. 

11(b) Everyone needs to watch Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium at least once in their life.

12. And from one of the best characters of all time: "It is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore

Unless you choose to capitalize on your talents, abilities, gifts, and resources, you are no different than someone who has none. And even people who think they aren't talented or gifted would be shocked to realize how capable they are if they gave themselves the chance. For example, me with my 8 chords on the Ukulele. Who knew?

13. "The crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty." -Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

I don't think  I can add anything better to that. One of the hardest things for me is trusting that people won't let me down. I live by the words, "if you want something done right, do it yourself," so I try to handle lots on my own, but it's nice to be surprised by people who really do pull through, and really do what they say they'll do. The people I love the most and that I know love me are the ones that are honest and dependable. That definitely applies to my relationship with the Lord--I want Him to know how much I love Him, so I try to always show how loyal I am to Him. And that's how I know He loves me, He always keeps His promises.

14. "See a need, fill a need." You know that awful movie Robots? I don't like it either, but I do like that one line, and that's about all I remember from the one time I watched it when I was probs 11. It's better to not have to be asked--to say I'm sorry, to do the dishes, to bring a snack, to offer some help, to turn off the lights... you name it. It's better to look around you and make the good things happen.

15. Exercise. Do whatever you like to do, and if you don't know, try something. It will make you feel happier, more confident, more capable, less stressed, the list goes on and on. Find something that you can get in to. Kickboxing, yoga, running, weights, Pilates, swimming, biking, acro yoga, gymnastics, dance, Zumba... try it all!

I'm grateful for my life and what I have been given. I am especially grateful for what I have been able to experience, and for my beautiful family. They are my treasures. 


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