Who's Yo Daddy?

I have fantastic parents. If you've had the opportunity to meet them, I'm sure my dad was either in his scrubs or his grey robe (there have been a couple over the years... always grey), and I'm sure my mom was helping someone (probably you) and smiling. I think of those things when I think of my parents too, and I think it shows a lot about who they are: 

Those things pretty much sum up my parents. My dad is the most dedicated, hard-working father that I know, hence the hospital scrubs. I also know that his favorite place to be is at home relaxing with our family, thus the grey robe. My mom serves anyone and everyone. I'm not kidding. She has never met a stranger, and she goes beyond what anyone else would do to serve and help those around her. The most important part is how happy she is to help--she always serves willingly and with a heart (and voice) full of song. 

I like to think that I inherited those best things in some amount from my mom and dad; the work ethic, family priorities, service, and happiness. Parents have a huge influence on their children. Whether they're present or not, whether they're good or not. It's up to the parent to decide what kind of an influence they will have. 

I want to talk about a different kind of heritage though. Most people know their parents pretty well, and even if you don't it's pretty likely that you know something about them. What is less common is a knowledge of what the Book of Mormon refers to as "the fathers" (I would give a citation, but it pretty much says that on every page or two. If you have trouble finding that phrase, I think you have the wrong book). That phrase refers to the heritage of the people, their ancestors of whom the Book of Mormon peoples are constantly reminded to "remember the captivity of [their] fathers" (Alma 29:12). It must have been pretty important to the Lord because it's a concept that is repeated often. This is one of my favorite verses:

Alma 36:29 Yea, and he has also brought our fathers out of the land of Jerusalem; and he has also, by his everlasting power, delivered them out of bondage and captivity, from time to time even down to the present day; and I have always retained in remembrance their captivity; yea, and ye also ought to retain in remembrance, as I have done, their captivity.

It's important to remember where we come from, especially where our religious heritage comes from. In my Foundations of the Restoration class I have become increasingly aware of how little I actually know about the Church's history. I knew a lot, don't get me wrong. Like I said, I have good parents who taught me well. But I'd like for us all to take a minute to think about what we actually know about our fathers' captivity. We might know some places and people (you might know more than I do), but what is your main source of finding out about them? The next cool "pioneer story" that's shared in General Conference? (If you don't know what General Conference is, click here. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here.) The same family history story your dad always brings up? "And now behold, I say unto... you that belong to this church, have you sufficiently retained in remembrance the captivity of your fathers? Yea, and have you sufficiently retained in remembrance his mercy and long-suffering towards them? And moreover, have ye sufficiently retained in remembrance that he has delivered their souls from hell?” (Alma 5:6). 

The scriptures are full of things about the iniquity of the fathers, the blessings of the fathers, the judgement seat of the fathers, the transgression of the fathers, the land of the fathers, the God of the fathers, the teachings of the fathers, THE TRADITIONS of the fathers... I could go on and on and on.

Why is that stuff even in there? Why were the prophets always bringing it up? where we come from has a huge influence on where we are and where we're going. I would like to add the disclaimer, however that even if you had rockin' "fathers" you can turn out pretty lame if you decide to be lame, and even if you had some lame "fathers" you have the choice to be what my mom calls a "pioneer parent," and make your own future your own. Don't go around blaming your situation on your parents, and don't think that just because they're great you don't have to try too. 

I think we are given the charge to remember the fathers, more specifically the captivity of our fathers to make us humble and repentant. I promise you that if everyone were sufficiently informed and learned in the details of the early restoration and foundation period of this Church, the number of doubts and troubles with current societal struggles would be nearly eliminated. If you don't believe me, start lookin. Here, I'll give you a start. Look at the Joseph Smith Papers website. I'm even giving you the link here. There, now you have no excuse (neither do I). Peruse around there for five minutes, and I promise you'll find something you didn't know before that you want to know more about. It's addicting. They went through some HARD STUFF. No, that doesn't even begin to do it justice. To reference Alma 5:6, many of them went through "hell," and they did it for you, and they did it for me. I thank heaven for my "fathers" who have landed me in this place in my life and in the gospel. I challenge all of us to more fully gain and retain a remembrance of our fathers. 

*Click here to see the post about some of my "fathers" of the early Restoration


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